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M.A. Visual Arts and Education - Graduated

Universitat de Barcelona (2023-2024) Master in Visual Arts and Education: A Constructionist Approach | Faculty of Fine Arts.

BCs Architecture - Graduated with honors

Faculty of Architecture, UNAM. (2013-2019) - College graduate with theoretical thesis: Educational infrastructure as a materialization of the Mexican Project 1920- 1970

Academic exchange - Germany

Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart, Germany. (2017 - 2018)

Research stay - Germany

Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart, Germany. (2018 - 2019)

Work Experience

Head of design - CF Taller Arquitectura

Arch. studio Mexico City. | 06.2021 - 09.2023 - Currently working remotely |

Sr. Architect - Taller Paralelo

Arch. Studio Mexico City. | 01.2019 - 01. 2021 |

Architect - SPAZI Architecture studio

Arch. Studio Mexico City. | 2020 Mexico’s urban development program Sedatu

Social service - SPAZI Architecture studio

AEditorial Laboratory of Architecture UNAM and Bitácora Arquitectura Magazine Mexico city | 2019

Awards & courses

Publication - Office Auditorium

Office Snapshots |


Introduction to design for play and urban childhoods Course | MACIA Studio- 2021

Team member - 2nd place

Chapultepec enviromental cultural center and Etnobotanic garten Contest (Mexico city 2021)-Gutarqs architecture studio

Team member - 3rd place

2018 Forum Zukunft Bau - Praxis Altbau contest | Project: Stuttgart 22+ Master plan with pioneering areas, area management, and collaborative strategies | Berlin, Germany 2018

Participant - Alternating pavillion

Exhibit "Transitable system" | MUCA Contest, UNAM

Winner - 1st place

"Stand Rotoplás” contest exhibition (UNAM) | Mexico City 2013


Student participant - EASA

EASA (European Architecture Students Assembly) Rijeka Croatia 2018 | Camposaz 2018

Student participant - EASA

Ai Weiwei’s exhibition: Resetting memories | MUAC Mexico City 04.2019 — 10.2019

Participant, research & curatorship

1968 Mexico ́s Olympic Architecture and City Through Print Media, LEA ́s exhibition supported by the Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts | Mexico City 2020-2022

Speaker - Conference

50 years of educational architecture in Mexico | Torres Bodet Library | Museum of Mexico City | 03. 2021

Student participant

“Space for urban and sustainable interactions” | Barreiro Construcciones SA de CV | Research project | 2014

Computer Skills



Adobe Illustrator

Adobe InDesign

Adobe Photoshop

>Microsoft Office


Spanish (Native language)

English (Advanced level - IELTS C1)

German (Intermediate level)

Catalan (Basic level)